Happy kids
15 Jul

What is one of the important skills in the overall development of a child?

This is IMAGINATION, so attention should be paid to its formation!

Imagination helps the child:

  • To understand the essence of various objects and phenomena;
  • To present abstract concepts and realize various processes;
  • To show and develop their talents;

For the development of fantasy in children, the simplest and most popular types of children’s creativity are used – drawing, modeling and appliqué.  But you need to understand that it is not enough just to give the child paint or plasticine in his hands, and then he will do everything himself. 

It is important to draw up a lesson plan and alternate between different types of creativity. And Famoty can help you with this.

Let the kid perform the necessary and useful tasks that will help develop imagination and receive a reward for this. Famoty app is the built-in development of a child without scandals and persuasion!